About Us

We are a friendly and happy village nursery where each child is encouraged to reach their full potential through praise, sensitivity and mutual respect


We carefully hand-pick our team from the best candidates and are committed to giving dedicated training in the latest developments in childcare.


We offer a broad and balanced early years curriculum for all children, which will be delivered through careful planning and continual assessment.


We ensure that there is every opportunity for parents to have a good understanding of, and close involvement in, all aspects of their child's development and education.

Each Thursday morning, children in their pre-school year walk to North Downs Primary School.  This fun session is a useful way to smooth the transition from Nursery to School


Ofsted Report - November 2021

Ofsted Report - November 2021
Ofsted Inspection Report Nov'21.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [91.9 KB]

Nursery Prospectus

Nursery Propectus
Adobe Acrobat document [391.9 KB]

Nursery Opening Hours

Monday09:00 - 12:00
Tuesday09:00 - 14:45
Wednesday09:00 - 12:00
Thursday09:00 - 13:00
Friday09:00 - 14:45
Closed School Holidays

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Brockham Green Church Hall , Brockham Green , Brockham, Surrey RH3 7JR Phone: 07765151384 Registered Charity Number: 1159631 Ofsted Number: EY490690